Loved and trusted by over 300,000 patients
Free shipping for all prescriptions
Discreet packaging and home delivery
Over 100 proven treatments
No insurance required
Over 300 diagnostic tests on-demand
No office vists reqiured
Over 1 million treatments prescribed
Real doctors, real clinics
No insurance required

Your wellness

at your fingertips

Access any test or treatment from Northwestern Aesthetics and Wellness that proven and safe to do at home. 

Your personal doctor, and head of Northwestern Aesthetics and Wellness, Dr. Vinay.

I want to full control of your wellness by giving up access to all the proven and safe home treatment Northwestern Aesthetics & Wellness has to offer. Test your general well-being, loose weight easier, or heighten intimacy. But don’t leave your health to an online provider you don’t know. Rest assured that I’ll be your doctor you can access at any time. 

How Northwester Access Works

Step 1

Select your treatment or test

Browse every treatment and available at Northwestern Aesthetics and Wellness. Complete an online health assessment for a completely online experience or schedule a virtual consultation with Dr. Vinay.

Step 2

Provider evaluation

After reviewing your medical history or speaking with you directly, Dr. Vinay will determine if the treatment or testing is right for you. If so, he’ll prescribe.  

Step 3

Your treatment or test is delivered

All of our treatment are shipped directly to your home in discreet packaging. While some test can be mailed to you to perform at home, most can we completed a partner lab near you.